Quality of proposals
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Prior to being accepted for exhibition on its platform, AlMajna mandates that proposals must fulfill minimum quality criteria, regardless of whether the proposal was for an existing enterprise or an entrepreneurial plan. As a result, AlMajna only exhibits proposals that demonstrate satisfactory performance indicators or are expected to achieve these indicators in the future, in accordance with internationally accepted performance standards. This requires the submission of some data and documents by the entrepreneur, which necessitates a distinction between the case of an existing enterprise and that of an entrepreneurial idea.

For the case of an existing enterprise

  • Date of Establishment
  • Current income statement or equivalent data
  • Current cash flow statement or equivalent data
  • Current balance sheet or equivalent data
  • Net profit for the previous period

Additionally, the enterprise owner is required to submit a simplified business plan for the coming period, including an implementation plan, expected revenue, breakeven, in addition to other indicators that would demonstrate the feasibility of the proposals to investors, and – in case the proposal was accepted on the platform – to facilitate its evaluation compared to other proposals Based on the submitted business plan and performance indicators calculated from the provided data, AlMajna determines the suitability of the proposal for acceptance on the platform.

For the case of  An Entrepreneurial idea

The entrepreneur is required to demonstrate the quality of his entrepreneurial idea by presenting a detailed proposal accompanied by a detailed business plan. This submission must include expected trajectories of his venture and the assumptions on which the trajectories are based upon, expected revenue, a preliminary market analysis, in addition to other elements of the business plan. The objective of the submission is to prove that his idea is expected to prosper and achieve profitability, and that it is an attractive investment opportunity. Based on the submitted proposal and business plan, AlMajna reserves the right to accept or reject exhibiting the entrepreneurial idea on its platform.

For the convenience of entrepreneurs, AlMajna provides, free of charge, a preliminary guide for drafting a business plan.

We also offer – after acceptance of the preliminary business plan – advisory servicesfor professional formulation of a business plan that is presented to investors.